Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I can run faster than they can fly

Can you believe this weather? I was out for a quick tempo run of 6.8 miles and I was just dripping when I got home. The heat was only compounded by the humidity. I got into the shower and the water on full cold did not seem to have any effect. As well, I could not seem to slake my thirst. Even though I was hydrating properly, I felt the need to drink two glasses of Chocolate milk and a bottle of gatorade with my delightful spinach salad. On the bright side the Harte Trail offered me some shade from the sun. That said, the humidity with all the water surrounding the trail only added to my suffering.

Now let's talk Mosquitoes. What the hell.... did they really fog. I was thinking on my run as my mind wandered from subject to subject. Why don't they just fill the ditches with northern pike. Those things would live anywhere and man they would eat all the larvae and KAPOW - no more bugs. I mean... shit... we can put a man on the moon, but we cannot figure out how to eliminate these buggers. We spend the whole winter waiting for summer only to be denied because of this big bunch of buzzing biters....... well..... at the very least...... I can run faster than they can fly.

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