Tuesday, June 29, 2010

It was just a matter of when... not if

The other day someone asked me, "What's an Ironman?" An Ironman is a triathlon race on steroids. Ironman Canada is held each year in Penticton, British Columbia on the last Sunday in August. The race features a grueling combination of the three disciplines popularised by smaller events. By standard definition, a triathlon involves (in this order.... because if you put the swim at the end a lot of people would drown) .... so you swim, bike then run. The most popular event in Triathlon is the Sprint distance. That would be a 750m swim, a 20k bike and a 5k run..... takes a bit of training, but very doable. The Olympic distance is twice that. For those of you not so good with the Math.. that's a 1.5k swim, 40k bike and a 10 k run. This distance seems to be growing in popularity and was thrust into our consciousness when triathlon became an olympic event at the Sydney games in 2000 and was won by Canadian triathlete Simon Whitfield - YouTube - Simon Whitfield Wins Gold

Now the Ironman distance.... well that's really two things.... an athletic event to top all others and a test of your: will, strength and determination. The distances are staggering.... a 3.8k swim, a 180k bike and then you finish with a full marathon... 42.2k.

In my mind to finish this event in a respectable time is a chance that we rarely get to know our true self. Philosophically speaking.... to find out what I am truly capable of.

Okay.... so now that nagging question that is undoubtedly on your minds..... why?

When I was a lifeguard at Ironman I saw Team Hoyt. Rather than explain it to you I urge you to watch this, but I warn you... it is very emotional and you may want a kleenex. YouTube - Team Hoyt - Dick and Rick Hoyt

After that it was just a matter of when. .... and I guess that will be August 29th 2010.

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