Saturday, January 19, 2013

Getting out of bed

So it is Saturday again and the weather is trying for a repeat of last week to no avail, but it  sure is blowing it around to try to look like something.  The sun has come out now and the bright light contrasted with the whiteness of the snow makes everyone a little bit happy... that and the return of the Jets at 2:00 this afternoon.

Caught all of part 1 and most of part 2 of Lance and Oprah.  I really don't care.  I like him.... faults and all.  He got an overweight slob of a man to re-invest in himself and to redirect some pretty negative energy into cycling... and ultimately triathlon.  There is no better drug than watching a stage of the tour and then hopping on your bike and giving it hell.

Hey - it still gets me out of bed and on my way to the Pan Am even though the weather is hellish.

Even without the windchill, we are looking at a high on Monday of -27˚C.  Sigh.......

Today was a solid effort in spite of the false moniker of 'Easy Week."  We started with our usual HR test building up to 90% of our Max HR in 15 minutes and then seeing how much we recover in 90 seconds.    Today my max HR was 156 and my heart rate after 90 seconds was 100.  So, A-B = 56 so I am up about 3 b.p.m. from the last test.  So there's that.  It may even mean that I am getting in shape.

In the end a solid 2 hours and 1200 Calories make for a great Sunday.

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