Friday, February 21, 2014

Collision in my stupor

Into the pool.  "Daddy, don't jump... it makes waves," says tri-boy.  In my mind there is only one way to get into a pool at 6:50 in the morning.  JUMP!  To be honest it is more like a controlled fall.  You just lean over a bit too far and let yourself fall into the chilly wet hug of the overly chlorinated water of the Y.

Even though we had the pool to ourselves, Tri-boy insisted in sharing a lane.  This makes for super fun for the both of us as he races me, swims under me and at one point was hanging upside-down in the water with his nose plugged watching the world go by.

As, I turn off the wall, I am not looking forward... more like looking down and then... WHAM... I launch right into the boy.  Scared the hell out of me.  I was totally zoned out and not paying any attention at all to him and then WACHACK.

I was, admittedly, a little tired as 20 felt like 30 and 30 felt like an eternity today.  Add in an increased stroke count and you have a very tiring Friday swim.

Thank goodness, someone was there to take a photo.

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