Saturday, March 30, 2013

Cayo Santa Maria Cuba

Well we were off for an exciting week in Cuba.  We decided to try somewhere different and ended up in the island of Cayo Santa Maria.  A beautiful little place joined to the mainland by a 50K causeway that took the Cuban government 10 years to make.

I managed to bring my triathlon stuff and make a go of it.

I did a couple of swims in the pool, while try-girl managed to hit the beautiful azure waters of the Caribbean.

Tri-Girl heads off to the point in the crystal clear water.  I was so jealous as the weather never was this calm again and because of that I ended up in the pool.

Tri-guy and Tri-boy do laps in the pool.

Back and forth the two of them went.  I must admit to being just a little proud of his swimming.  We did a few laps easy and then I gave him a 10 second head start and we did a sprint set.  I never won one, but I didn't care, he was in the pool with daddy.

I did manage to run as well, if you click view details, you will see that I actually had points in my run below sea level.... cool, no?

I noticed that the Bing map does not work well here, so hit the drop down menu  next to the +/_ signs and switch to Google maps (much better)

In the end it was supposed to be a break and in that break, I took some time to deeply contemplate life and the sport of triathlon...

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