Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Darker than my normal Pollyanna

An inquiring mind asks, "What do you think about for all those hours you are alone?" "Don't you get bored training for hours and hours?"

An honest answer is "no." There is loads to ponder.

To let you inside my head.... here's what made up the majority of my ride today.

It was my last "optional" day in my training cycle. The next three weeks will be the tell as to whether or not I can truly accomplish this monumental feat of swimming, biking and running. I was asked by a close friend how I am dealing with the doubt that must occasionally break through my confidant exterior. I replied that with the nearly 11 months invested in training and the thousands of dollars in equipment, it would seem like there is no other option than to drag myself across that finish line.

I guess it just boils down to perspective. What is the goal? ....... To finish with a smile and a grin of accomplishment, knowing that I have undoubtedly proven that I am physically capable of more that I once thought. Then if that is the goal,then all I have to do is cross the finish line on the 29th in under 17 hours.

Or..... since this is obviously a one time deal, then I should go about it with the intent of maybe seeing just how far I can push myself. How much pain can I endure? How hard can I really stretch my physical being? Can I break? If I break, can I keep going.

I have wrestled with these unknowns for far too long. And, as I approach the deadline, I guess I am anxious to see how it will all play out.

I feel like I am about to be shot out of a cannon. Even though you have prepared for the event thousands and thousands of times in your head, there is nothing like the real thing to truly test your mettle.

Until then..... I guess I will just keep on keepin' on.

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