Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Still going strong after a lifetime of chickens

What an absolutely gorgeous day with high-up wind streaked clouds that look like they are straight out of the art department at Pixar.

Today's ride took me out just past the happening burg of Poplar Point located about 60K from all the hustle and bustle of Charleswood. The temperature started out pretty friendly, but by the time I was nearly home, we had hit 28˚C and our famous friend the prairie wind had decided to show up.

I hit the road about 8:30ish and made my way out over the Taylor bridge and along the access road to the White Horse. Although this first part is about 16k, I never really think of my longer rides starting until I reach this point. This is most likely due to the nature of my ride and it is farr enough away from "home" that you really feel like you are out somewhere..... or should I say nowhere.

Then, as I have mentioned before, I take highway 26 through St. FX (see photo below), Pigeon lake (which is easy to miss... thank heavens there is a sign) and then past such high-lites as - this quaint old style farm complete with the red barn just before the turn to marquette (see photo below), followed by the turn to St. Eustache (beautiful bridge there) then past this pretty little church (see photo below) and ultimately into Poplar Point(see photo below).

I have tried to capture the "nothing-ness" of my meditative rides for you several times, but I am really happy with the pics from today.

The Great Wide Open..

Look Left...

Look Right......

miles and miles of nothing.......
.......and watch out for the turn........ it's up ahead ... somewhere in the red-necked distance.
(check out the gunshots in the sign)

Saint Francis Xavier has this great fountain in a little oxbow lake across from the store. I thought it looked particularly spectacular today.

Little farm that could.....still going strong after a lifetime of chickens

Serving all 30 people in the vicinity........ the graveyard on the side really makes you wonder about the settlers out here..... "the story of a dirt farmer."

Today's story ends here...... with a pokey tree.

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