Saturday, July 24, 2010

Frabjous Day

Oh frabjous day! Calooh Calay! (he chortled in his joy) - apologies to Carroll, but seriously... probably the best day to be at the beach ever..... the only downside was that half of Winnipeg and the surrounding burrows seemed to all have the same idea. And, being Saturday, they could all act upon it if they so choose to do so.... and choose they did.... by the carload.

Besides the great day, I needed an open water swim this morning. Birds Hill seems to be the place, as everything else is just a little too distant to bring the family. You have to remember that bringing a 9 and 7 year old requires planning and packing. Hell... bringing a 40 year old triathlete requires Patience and planning..... 'specially if he is also looking at biking after his swim. The problem with triathlon in general, as all my tri-geek friends will be able to relate, is that when you take the gong show on the road, there really is way too much crap to think about.

I eluded to the clothing issues in yesterdays blog, but seriously, you have to prepare for at least three seasons: rain, cold and heat. I mean sticking your head out the window the morning of your work out is just as accurate as the enviro Canada web site. That said, when you are in... let say Kenora - which many of my triathlon colleagues are packing for at this very moment... you really don't know what the conditions are going to be like on race day and since you are leaving the comfort of home, you bring it all.

Today I needed to pack my bike stuff and my swim wear. You have seen the photos of my kinky S and M neoprene outfit, but underneath is usually, my H.R. monitor, my biking shorts and my racing singlet ready for the transition to the bike. I have also applied astro glide... ooops wrong stuff, Body Glide to help with the chaffing and the removal of my supersuit once it is on. Then you have to remember to add you watch to time your swim and check it against the mile of data you have collected through out the year. Goggles and Cap round out the last bits. I usually bring all my caps and try to pick a colour that is different so that Lori knows that the water logged triathlete that they are performing CPR on and administering the last rites to... is not me, as I am swimming with a pink cap with butterflies on it designed by my daughter.

Any way, enough about that.... back to the wonderful weather and the swim.

Good form and fingers together to get all you can out of those freakishly long arms.

I managed to do my 2.5k in about 48 minutes and headed back to shore to get on to the bike. A bit of a walk later and I was unloading the Giant and stuffing my Gu into its Bento Box.... (now there's some triathlon porn for ya!) Ahhhh but I digress..... Got the Giant up and out and onto the ring road of the park.

Today's bike goal was to just do three laps and call it a day. I wanted to work the hills and make sure that I did not let the heat of the day slow me down and I also did not want to let all that hill training on Green Mountain road and Yellow lake go to hell. The ride was nothing special, other than I really enjoyed the ride and the pavement is glass in most places. And while the beach was getting busier by the second, the mad dogs and Englishmen were the only ones out on the bike. (.... apologies to Coward)

36.5k later I was back at the van loading up the Giant and heading down to the beach where I know Lori had an ice cold chocolate milk and Gatorade waiting for me.

There is just something about ice cold beverages after a day in the heat..

1 comment:

  1. great post greg! what a beautiful weekend it was. Until I started triathlons, I've never carried so much crap at once in my life. We were gone to Kenora for almost exactly 24 hours and our Aveo was stuffed. Luckily it was *HOT* which meant minimal clothing necessary... oh and no supersuits!
