Tuesday, July 13, 2010

X-Ray specs ain't all they're cracked up to be

Everything is all packed and the Giant is in his box ready for the chilly ride below the plane. We head off to Winnipeg in a few short hours, so instead of a lengthy tome today, I thought I would share some of my evening with you.

We were all sitting around my lap top screen looking through the pics from the race, and as we were chatting about this and that something odd stood out in one of the photos.

Before you scroll down a warning..... THIS IS NOT FOR THE WEAK HEARTED OR THOSE OF YOU WITH WEAK STOMACHS! [Don't forget you can double click and enlarge the images..... IF YOU DARE!!!!!!!!!]

See if you notice anything interesting about my finish.....

So here I am just milliseconds after crossing the finish line!

Maybe you can spot it in this one?

Nothing popping out at you?

What about now?

Alright people..... what the hell is with my quad? Weird shadow? I don't think so.... Dehydration to the point that my ligaments and tendons are rising to the surface of my emaciated frame? I have no clue... but it is cool....... no?

Medical people feel free to weigh in on this one.


  1. OK, I'm a medical person but I can't explain that other than to say you need to get some more body fat to cover that up... EUWWW!

  2. you are running so fast your skin is being pushed all around... a la those crazy public bathroom hand dryers that blow air so hard it makes skin wrinkle around all funny (?)

  3. well you ARE 40 now, so maybe you are turning into a raisin.

  4. Reminds me of this from There's Something About Mary. http://blogs.westword.com/latestword/assets_c/2010/03/there%27s%20something%20about%20mary%20topless%20photo-thumb-250x192.jpg
